Yes, and…

Yesterday we headed out to freedive for scallops.

Rumour was that they were deeper than normal, and only the scuba divers could get to them.

So, we were 50/50 on the decision, however, it was on the way to our end destination anyway, so if there was going to be a time to try it, now was it.

Once we made the call, we went through a strategy for deeper diving – there are different considerations and we would approach it a different way.

The dive was successful, and we got enough food within three or four dives each.

A lot of times, we end up on the fence of something – a change, a decision, a conversation. At times, it makes sense to back out. To say no, or to not participate.

A lot of the times though, if we after a specific outcome, we just need a “Yes, and…”

If it’s a “yes,” what considerations are there? What do you need to tweak? What do you need to prepare? What timeframe is required?

If there’s something you want to do or experience, there’s likely a way to go about it, you may just need to have a deeper strategy.

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